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Legend of the Millennium Dragon: Epic anime

"Legend of the Millennium Dragon" is available on DVD/Blu-ray and via iTunes and Amazon Instant. In Japanese with English subtitles. When a movie jumps from one culture to another, especially one with a different language, expect some things to be…


Black history written with lightning

"The Black Power Mixtape: 1967-1975" plays on PBS's "Independent Lens" Thursday, February 9, 2012. Check local listings. It is also available on DVD, Netflix Instant and Amazon Instant. After viewing "The Black Power Mixtape: 1967-1975," I stumbled out of the…


A killer thriller that spills into horror

"Kill List" is available on demand through select cable providers. Check IFC On Demand for availability in your area. by Kevin B. Lee Few things bring out the worst tendencies of Hollywood than the genre mash-up, as evidenced by two…


Phil Ochs: All the news that's fit to sing

"Phil Ochs: There But for Fortune" plays Monday, January 23, at 10 pm EST/PST on PBS American Masters. It will thereafter be available via PBS On Demand, and is currently on Netflix Instant and DVD. "Mistakes are lodged like harpoons…


Stop making senses: An epidemic love story

"Perfect Sense" (89 minutes) is now available via IFC On Demand and can be rented or downloaded via iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, SundanceNOW, XBOX and PlayStation 3. The film will also begin a limited release in theaters on February 3rd.…


Love and death (not necessarily in that order)

Manoel de Oliveira's "The Strange Case of Angelica" is available on demand via Netflix Instant and for download on iTunes. It is also on DVD and Blu-ray and is coming soon to Vudu. Few of us can expect to live…


Billy the Kid, orphan outlaw

"American Experience: Billy the Kid" is available on demand at after its January 10 broadcast at 9 p.m. (ET/PT). Check local listings. Who hasn't heard of Billy the Kid? He's often portrayed in Westerns -- sometimes as a blood-thirsty…


A haunting, in time and space

"The Innkeepers" is streaming online through Amazon Instant and Vudu. It is also offered on some cable systems' On Demand channels and opens theatrically in a limited release February 3rd. The official website is here. by Steven Boone The trailer…


Richard Garriott, Space Cowboy

"Man on a Mission: Richard Garriott's Road to the Stars" (83 minutes) will be available On Demand on Cox from Jan. 13-March 12, 2012 and on VUDU, Shaw Video on Demand and others starting Jan. 13. It opens the same…


Faces that bring their own light

"The First Grader" is streaming On Demand via Amazon and Vudu, and the DVD is on Netflix and on sale. by Steven Boone It doesn't matter that "The First Grader" is as shamelessly, sappily manipulative as that TV commercial where…